Thursday, June 7, 2018

A Month in Review

Hello, everyone! :)  I'm back after a month!

Yay! :)
Yes, I know. It has been awhile. What have I been doing the past month? Well, my family recently went on vacation for two days several weeks ago. We spent most of the time outside hiking and playing yeah, I really enjoyed myself. ;)  I've also been reading, hanging out with friends (and my family), planting our garden, picking strawberries and making jelly, watching some movies, going to church events, watching kids, other random things, ...and working. 
This year of work is different from the other years. Other years I worked wait staff, and the shifts were between 2 -4 hrs each. Of course, that depended on how much of a mess people made. Heh. *sarcastic and somewhat annoyed sigh* And usually, when it was 500 middle-schoolers to clean up after, there was a LOT of mess. 
But this year, I'm doing prep-cooking! So that has been...interesting. Especially since I've spent most of my time (tomboy that I was/am) outside than I ever did in the kitchen. 
But the people training me have been very patient, and for that I am extremely grateful! 

The first time I served a group, my boss thought the group was going to eat less... so we didn't prepare as much food. 
Boy were we wrong!
Breakfast that morning was hectic! The other cook and I were running around like chickens with our heads cut off, trying to prepare and refill the food. We ran out of a lot of it, and my boss had to end up making an unplanned emergency trip to the grocery store!
The ironic thing was-- these people were very petite. The other cook (who has worked at least 15 years cooking) said:
"I've NEVER seen anything like this in my life! Little people like them eating so much!!! It makes me sick!"
To put this in perspective: at lunch that day, the group ate all the cold salads. They ate in one meal what was supposed to last them for 2-3 days! It was ridiculous. 

Thankfully, the other times serving groups have went by much more smoothly and less stressful. Also, the hours are better. Now I work 8-10 hours a day instead of 6 or 3 hrs/day. Yes, the days can get long...but I'm glad to have work! :)

And oh yeah! Freshman year of college is done with!!! :D

~What have I been reading?~

(this is just the 1st book)
Freedom's Holy Light series by Sally Laity & Dianna Crawford

This series is set before, during, and right after the Revolutionary war. I really love this series because they are very well written, Christian, and historically accurate. Also, these books (in my opinion) aren't "cheesy" like some other Christian fiction books tend to be. ;)

Candle in the Darkness by Lynn Austin

AHHHHH! Guuuuys! *squeals* This book is SOOO good! I'm still working my way through it (again). (The 1st time I got it from the library, I was a little less than 3/4 of the way through, and my well-meaning siblings returned it before I finished it...and then college started so I never finished it.)
But what I've read of it so far is soooo good!
The book is set during the Civil War period, and follows a girl and her life as she navigates through the situations she has to deal with during that time period. 
This is the summary that the book has on the back cover:
" As the Civil War rages, Caroline Fletcher is torn between two worlds. Raised on a Southern plantation where slavery is a way of life, her heart and conscience are awakened to its injustice when she sees the young son of her maid torn from his mother's arms and sold away. As she devotes herself to the abolitionist cause, Caroline's love and respect for the slaves who raised her give impetus to her mission. Then, forced to make some painful decisions, she finds herself separated from her family and the man she loves. Nevertheless, Caroline continues to stand up for what she believes is right, encountering more and more opposition...and the wrong side of the law. In the face of so many dangers, will she have the strength to continue her good fight?"

I love this series! :D

LOTR: The Fellowship of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

Yep. I am re-reading these again. And they are still as intriguing as the first time through! 
Man! Tolkien could write!!! :D

And, of course, The Bible. 

Recently, I've been re-reading through different books of the Bible. A verse and section that recently stood out to me was Numbers 9:22-23:
"Whether the cloud stayed above the Tabernacle for two days, a month, or a year, the people of Israel stayed in camp and did not move on. But as soon as it lifted, they broke camp and moved on. But as soon as it lifted, they broke camp and moved on. So they camped or traveled at the LORD's command, and they did whatever the LORD told them."

My Bible has little tidbits of  Bible study-feeling sections in the margins. The following is what was at the bottom of the page:
In the Right Spot
The Hebrews traveled and camped as God guided. When you follow God's guidance, you can be confident that you're where God wants you, whether you're moving or staying in one place. instead of praying, "God what do you want me to do next?" You might ask, "God what do you want me to do while I'm right here?" Direction from God is not just for your next big move. He has a purpose in placing you where you are right now.

Recently, I've felt like God is really telling me to be content in the season that I am in. I've been praying whether or not to continue college, and haven't really received a clear answer as of yet. But I think God has really been speaking to me to please Him where I am now. To reach the people I am around right now, instead of constantly trying to look ahead to the future. For example: the job that I was talking about earlier wasn't exactly planned. I had been applying and looking for other jobs, and hadn't heard back from any of them. I  enjoyed where I worked and who I worked with, it just wasn't enough hours and the pay wasn't great either. My employer knew I was looking, and offered me the cooking position that I have now. Now I have double the hours that I had before, a raise, and still get to see people that I worked with!
It may not have been what I had necessarily wanted at the time or had planned, but it was what God knew that I needed, and I'm enjoying it thus far! :)
All that to say, when I read that verse and that tidbit at the bottom, I was like "Whoa! That was exactly what I needed to hear right now!" 
It's so cool when God tells and gives us exactly what we need before we even ask!

~What have I been watching lately?~


The Greatest Showman


The Waltons 

Forever Strong

Yes, I shall try to do movie reviews for them...but for the time being I think this post is probably long enough :). So stay tuned! (Wow, that sounded so cheesy :-p.)

I'd love to hear what you all have been doing this summer! :)

God Bless!


  1. Woah! Great post!
    I'm glad you found a job that works better for you! So, how do you like college? What classes are you taking? You see, I'm graduating from high school and am at the point of the "I don't knows." I'm trying to keep a open mind about things and I guess just trying to trust God because He has a plan! The unknown is scary for me, but He's got a blueprint for my life!
    Those books look really good, I will have to check them out sometime!
    And Waltons! Isn't that a good family movie!
    P.S. I loved the first gif!

  2. College has been okay thus far. I've been taking the "general ed" courses to get them out of the way. (Basically it's just the general Englishes, Histories, Math and Science courses that are required before moving on to more "specific" classes that go towards a major.)
    And ooh! :) Exciting time! Yup, I've been there and am still there.
    And yes, girl! Keep that faith and trust in God! It can be hard to face the unknown, but just remember that God DOES know what your future will be. He will work everything out in His timing and for your best! :)
    And yaas! The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie made up a large part of my tv consumption during my childhood. ;)
    Hope you have a great summer!

    Ps: (Try not to stress about what to do after highschool. I know I did some, and that really didn't help. At all. Going into college from being homeschooled wasn't bad. It's just school. School with a lot more people in the class :).)

    1. Thank you for this encouraging reply! I needed that. :)
      I hope you have a great summer too!!!
